Tuesday 1 November 2011

November Newsletter

The year is rushing past as we head for Show Weekend, and all too quickly Christmas.
Firstly I appologise for the lack of pictures this month, my computer has had a hissy fit and is away being seen to so I don't have access to my usual resources. Gratitude for being able to use my husband's laptop! Secondly, it is great to see a few steps forward in Christchurch with the container shops opening in the space where Cashel Mall used to be, but  am feeling an absence of purpose without our annual exhibition! It's another unexpected space in this different life of ours and I am finding the garden is looking more organised than it often does at this time of the year - a silver lining to every cloud. I hope you are all enjoying the Spring as she progresses and getting time to think about making some lovely things in your workshops/kitchen tables. etc!

A Brief Summary of the October Committee Meeting
Monday 3rd October 2011
Present; Arthur, Dierdric, Solvej, Jo, John O, John W, Crystal.
Apologies; Noelene, Chloe.
*Tabled resignation from Karen Atherton. Accepted with regret.Solvej will arrange a token of our appreciation for Karen and Mark.
*Noelene will takeover as class co-ordinator (as advised by Arthur, as Noelene absent).She is willing to do this – with a backup. Solvej is willing to be a backup.
*Discussion of prerequisites for allowing new people to become members of the Guild.Previously this was run past the Committee. Possible checklist of required skills and/or presenting work to the Committee were some ideas discussed.. Otherwise up to Tutor discretion for people attending the evening classes.
*Arthur has agreed to take on the role of President.
*How to manage available studio time was discussed. The duty of opening up needs to be shared. A possible cost per person for the time,also needs to be set. It costs the guild $20 an hour to use SIT.
*1st February – is the start of the new year for the Guild.
We are planning a Guild Barbeque in February (as used to happen in past years). John O. is keen to host this barbeque and we’re all very keen for this to happen.
*There has been some difficulty with members paying online. Sometimes hard to distinguish who has paid if no further information is given. Best way to do this would be to email a copy of the transaction, and to include your name on the actual transaction.
Meeting Closed 7:30pm.
Summary of the AGM 7 October 2011-10-10
 Present ; Jo Crompton, John Weeber, Crystal Mathieson, Ed Freeman, Bob Cathro, John Ogilvie, Solvejg Ruarus, Diederic Ruarus, Ailish Roughan, Arthur Harrison, Noelene Walker and Susan Brown.
Apologies ; Pam Englefield, Sylvia Campbell, Kate Louw and Chloe Judd.
 Minutes from Previous Meeting
Have been circulated by email. Moved as read. Moved by Arthur, seconded by Diedric.
Nominations for New Chairperson
Arthur nominated by Eddie.
Moved by Eddie, seconded by John. 
Committee Additions/Withdrawals
A query to everyone on the committee, that they are happy to remain? Ailish Roughan would like to stand down, everyone else is happy to remain.
Moved by Arthur, seconded by Noelene. 
Letter from Karen
Letter read to all by Arthur. Letter Accepted.
Moved by Arthur, seconded by Jo. 
Present Letter Report to AGM
Handout printed letter presented to all from Arthur. 
Diederic Financial Report
Diederic moved statements be accepted, seconded by Noelene. 
Proposed Changes to the Constitution 
Change wording to “executive committee”.
Wording change “chairman” to “chairperson”.
These two issues moved by Diederic, seconded by Ailish. 
6.0a – Procedure For Nominating; no person shall continue in said offices for more than 2 consecutive years in one span.
Moved by Diederic, seconded by Noelene. 
6.0c – The chairperson my be nominated for a second period of 3 years only.
John brings to our attention that we cannot change this now, due to the possibility of this change clashing with existing rules. This issue will be brought up at next AGM.
The idea behind this is to elect new members for 3 or 2 years, so we aren’t having to elect new people every year. 2-3 year terms would maintain continuity. Jo suggested it be worded to “up to 3 years”, which removes the suggestion that you are bound into the role for the whole three years, and which could be off-putting. 
6.0a – Proposed amendment. “Officers are appointed “up to 3 years”.
Moved by Jo, seconded by Noelene.
9 votes for, 3 against. 
6.0a – With the amendment just passed.
Moved by Noelene, seconded by Jo.
9 votes for, 2 against, 1 abstains. 
6.0b – Officers are extended… ; which means said officers are automatically members of the committee and do not need a separate vote to be voted in.
Moved by Diederic, seconded by Solvejg. 
6.0c – Trying to avoid people sitting indefinitely in one Guild position. Eddie says based on experience he had to run over his consecutive time when the situation occurred that no-one else was will to take over the position he was in. Motion has been rescinded, as this is now covered in 6.0a. 
7.0a – The names of nominees should be given in writing before the AGM. This could potentially cause issues for getting enough nominations, but otherwise could clarify meeting procedure. This would mean no nominations from the floor would be allowed at an AGM.
4 votes for, 6 against, 2 abstain. 
7.0b – Adding “special meeting” to the current text.
Moved by Diederic, accepted by all. 
8.0c – Changing wording to “he/she”.
Moved by Diederic, seconded by John W. 
9.0a – This passage to be rescinded as it has already been covered. 
9.0i – If an issue cannot be resolved Chairperson has 2 votes / final decision.
Diederic proposed that we must have conflict resolution in our Constitution.
Moved by Diederic, seconded by Crystal. 
11.0a – “which may open” – allows for combined secretary & treasurer position.
12 votes for. Motion carried. 
11.0b – Change of wording to “The treasurer shall”.
Motion carried. 
General Business 
Solvejg proposes to ask Katrina and Harvey to become tutors. Accepted, she will ask. 
Meeting closed at 8:35pm. 

Committee Members 2011-2012
Chairperson: Arthur Harrison        craftyart@2002@yahoo.co.nz
Treasurer: Diederic Ruarus           diedericr@gmail.com
Secretary: Noeline Walker*         noelinew@xtra.co.nz

John Weeber          johnweeber@windowslive.com
Solvejg Ruarus       solvejgr@gmail.com
John Ogilvie**        jogilvie@clear.net.nz
Crystal Mathieson   quartzcrystal@hotmail.com
Chloe Judd             lucka_lee@hotmail.com
Jo Crompton***    joannacrompton@gmail.com
*Noeline is also Class Co-Ordinator for the night classes
**John is Membership Secretary
***Jo is the Newsletter person - any contributions or ideas come to her.

Delft Clay Workshop
Saturday, November 19th, 10am - 4pm, $20. Please contact Arthur on 382 1332 to book a spot. Take a look at the last Delft Clay workshop photos , click on the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/silversmithsguild/sets/72157619972545091

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