Tuesday 3 April 2012

April 2012

What a busy month! 

The members' workshop using found items was great fun; a very windy Saturday at Birdlings Flat Beach with lots of interesting finds, followed by a very welcome lunch at Little River, and then a productive Sunday spent at SIT creating a variety of 'wearable arts'. Wow was a proper response! Take a look at the photos and Tui's poem to get a taste of what we did - I think there's some poetic license with the word 'wine' - it was definitely coffee as far as I saw:) 

Take a look at the slideshow on the left hand column - you'll see what we made, and a bunch of older photos too. I haven't worked out how to make a slideshow of a select few yet - who says old dogs can't learn new tricks?

We opened the workshop at SIT on 3 Saturdays this month with pretty mixed results. Those that came along enjoyed the time together and made good use of the facilities.

Thankyou for the feedback we have had regarding the possibility of taking on a rented space at the Tannery development in Woolston. It is a pretty exciting possibility but still plenty to be working through before we make any decisions.

Summary of April's Committee Meeting, 7pm, 2nd April, SIT

Apologies: John O, Chloë, Crystal, Noeline
Present: Arthur, John W, Jo, Diederic, Solvejg

Minutes of the previous meeting taken as read.

Treasure's Report given and accepted. Some further work is required before presenting the accounts to an accountant.

Members who are not up to date with their subs need to clarify their position with the Guild and either pay their dues or send a written resignation. We understand that life has been a challenge with the Earthquakes bur we need to sort out who continues to benefit from their membership and who has resigned.

Solvejg reported that at the moment we have 9 Level One students for next term, and 2 Level Twos. We have advertised in the Coffee News, and are continuing to receive enquiries through our hotmail address. We will book Wednesday night at SIT this term and change that if there are not enough students to support that.

Is there anyone else in the Guild who would be interested in tutoring on one evening a week?

Tannery Discussion:
Further discussion in the light of new information. We will proceed with caution and keep an eye out for other venues as well.

Fund Raising:
There are some costs involved in setting up a new workshop, replacement workbenches, storage, some equipment etc. Mark and Karen Atherton have been exploring possible funding by grants and earthquake set-up funds for community groups. They have put together a comprehensive package to apply for some re-establishment funding from Creative New Zealand, and should hear back from them soon. 

Members' Response:
This has not been very big. Fairly positive with a few reservations, and a reluctance to embrace any increase in costs. We decide to get people together to share ideas over an informal supper at SIT on 14th May, 7pm. We will divide up the members' list and each phone a number of members to let them know.

Budget for Next Year:
Discussion on ways to fund a move and paying a greater rent. A combination of members' subs, workshop fees, evening classes, and any funds generated by comission. Applying for grants.

2012 Exhibition:
We need to explore possibilities this year. We need: a venue, display cases, and people to exhibit, and help out while it is on. Ideas please!

Meeting closed at 9pm

Next Month's Committee Meeting is at SIT, 7pm, Monday 7th May. Please Come along if you would like to!

We are putting on an informal evening here at SIT to discuss future directions for the Silversmiths Guild over supper and hot drinks.

7pm, Monday 14th May. Please ring Arthur 382 1332 to RSVP so we have a rough idea of how many to cater for. 

This is an important meeting to assess which direction our members would like to follow. There will be information shared and the implications of finding a more accessible home base discussed. Bring your ideas along - we need a really good brainstorming session!

We do not want to make any decisions without your support, and at the moment teaching from SIT is working out well and is financially manageable.We are very grateful for their support.

Susan Brown is Teaching a Silver Clay Workshop on 12th May

Make use of this opportunity!

It sounds too good to be true, maybe, but a certain type of metal-clay can turn into pure silver. This is a technique that has been developed in Japan.

Susan Brown, a well known jeweller, has a wealth of knowledge and skill. We are delighted that she has offered us a workshop in her field of expertise - Silver Metal Clay. 
You may have seen her work in the Art-Gallery in Hokitika. http://www.hokitikacraftgallery.co.nz/artists.asp?media=3&artist=22

I have done this workshop twice in the past and found them very rewarding.
Don't be put off by the cost of the material itself - every gram can be used and the possibilities are amazing.

We have ordered 10 packets from the USA, there are just 10 spaces in the workshop. Be quick to book yourself in.

This will be a real treat, these courses are usually very expensive and we are able to charge you the standard $20, plus a materials cost of around $90 (to be confirmed once we order the silver clay). There are only 10 places available, and you will learn HEAPS. Susan will take your finished clay pieces and fire them in her kilns overnight, and we will pick them up the next morning from SIT. Take a look at some of her work here http://www.sbsilversmith.com

Book yourself in ASAP by ringing Arthur 382 1332

Report on Found Objects Workshop

We turned up on cue at the Birdlings Flat Carpark and piled into many layers to keep warm and walked off into the teeth of the wind. It was invigorating and plenty to look at while we scoured the beach for hopeful subjects to make into jewellery later. John's lovely dog had a great time running about and rejoicing as only dogs can! Some of our better halves came along for the ride and bravely joined us on the beach, or wisely stayed put in their warm vehicles. It was so windy that some of us literally were blown over, and nervously looked at the wild waves as we scrabbled for our footing. Truly an unexpected adventure!

Togging Up for Bracing Conditions

What Have We Here?

A Pause for Conversation

Did I mention it Was Windy? Look at the fur on John's Dog!!
Come 12 noon we retreated with our goodies and drove to the much more civilized cafe at Little River. I have a sneaky feeling this was the real attraction for our nearest and dearests' coming along....

Sunday Morning, bright and bushy tailed we arrived at SIT and set about the business of creating something from our finds. It was quite a challenge for me, I had all sorts of jetsam and flotsam, not a shell in sight. It was quite a collection of stuff as you can see. 

At Birdlings Flat

Bighorn bouncing by the beach
Whitecaps dancing out of reach
Dust from gravel flying high
Screaming wind, not gentle sigh
Of air – At Birdlings Flat.

Seabirds battered by the gale
Flapping hard through airborne shale.
Buff-brown hills; expanse of sea
Some grass, some scrub, but not a tree
In sight – At Birdlings Flat.

A tumbleweed races between beach and sky
A pak’n’save bag has just fluttered by
A long stick is bouncing end over end
And a fog bank is creeping around the bend
To be – At Birdlings Flat

Guilders cars are parked in line
While they are busy trying to find
Some gorgeous thing – a shell, a stone
Or other art work left alone
By nature – At Birdlings Flat

Silversmith guilders are a race apart
Devoted to the pursuit of their art
Scrabbling around in the wind and the dust
To find a great object – or jolly well bust –
To-day – At Birdlings Flat.

Off they wandered in the wind and the cold
In their boots and their thermals they looked very bold.
For their ‘found object’ workshop they need to deliver.
Back with their treasures, as precious as gold
Then off for a wine – at warm Little River.
Tui Harrison 

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