Saturday 31 August 2013

August 2013 Newsletter

A short newsletter this month, I have been invaded by family with a small child and there has been less time and focus available. Grandchildren are amazing... and full of endless energy and curiosity. Not to mention the original inventors of amazing stretchy yoga-like contortions! I'll do better next month...

Any photos out there that I can include? Your workshop, your work, your inspirations, your blogs, places you visit on the web, new places to visit in Christchurch? We would all love to see them:) 

Recently I have played in Pintrest which is interesting. You do need to sign up for it like Facebook, but it is free and image based which I find quite diverting. You can create your own boards of things you find inspiring or interesting, and include your own pictures as well. Here's mine if you're curious. There are heaps of places to see, and you can go visit the places the pictures came from too. A bit like a mystery tour from the comfort of your home! Let me know what you think.

In the list of links to visit, in the left hand column, I have included a Youtube piece of someone working in his workshop, from design to finished bangle. It is always interesting to see how someone goes about things.
Also a podcast interview from Radio NZ with David McLeod from Quadrant Gallery in Dunedin. Go on, try something new and listen in.

This month's Committee Meeting is on Monday 2nd September, 7pm at or Studio Workshop. You are welcome to attend.

Exhibition Work
How are your pieces coming along? We are exploring an exciting exhibition possibility this week for the beginning of October! How ever that turns out we will still be aiming at some sort of members' exhibition in October, so it's time to get cracking. It would be good to have up to 10 pieces from everyone who can participate. If your own workshop is either out of commission, non-existant, too cold, uninspiring, or you just want some company, come on down on Wednesday or Saturday mornings ($8 concession card, or $10 casual), and enjoy the warmth and enthusiasm at the workshop. Don't forget the free members' night every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm either.

New Magazines
We have Art Jewelry,Ornament and Lapidary Journal magazines arriving regularly.

They are at the Studio to have a browse through to get inspired and are full of lovely pictures and instructions.  Not to be taken home.

September's Workshop 

There are still a couple of places available for this worksop 
Ring Arthur on 03 382 1332 to secure your place and further information.
Raising Silver with Nicola Roake,(Click on her name for her website), making a silver spoon or bowl. A materials list will be sent out beforehand. This is also a really special class with a very accomplished artist. Take a look at her video on this page too.

Last Month's Precious Metal Clay workshop with Susan Brown was well attended and had some exciting results which we will share next time! Some of the treasures made came into the Level Two classes to be polished up and have their hooks or findings  added. There are some lovely results being worn out there!

Committee Meeting Summary 5th August 2013, 7pm

General Business: 
 Discussion around setting standards to be met for becoming a member.
Possibilities: - Use the mentoring program to support interested parties to improve their skills
- Create an option of paying  for 2 and 1/2 hours individual tuition for people trying increase their skills
- Create a certificate of Proficiency
- Create a refresher weekend/day for interested parties
- The application form could include a clause to be signed by the applicant, saying they agree to abide by workshop rules and health and safety standards.

Suggested procedure for New Applicants, who haven't done our term classes;
Invite them to come to the studio and meet with 2 members of the committee, show their work and be walked around the workshop. They will be contacted later with the result of that meeting.
Health and Safety issues mean that people must be aware of the hazards and proper use of tools to prevent injury. The prevention of damage to our tools is also an issue, they are expensive to replace or mend.

Arthur will make a draft of Health and Safety plan, and use of tools and workshop.

Arthur suggested we get a vacumn cleaner to attach to the polishing wheels as we did at the Arts Centre work3. shop. This will reduce the dust spread from the polishing mops.

Master Classes: We are wanting to put on some master classes to address the lack of further learning for more experienced members. With regard to the running costs, Noeline has done some costings for the planned Kobi Bosshard masterclass. Including travel costs, accommodation, meals and tutoring fees, she has an approximate cost of $2000. She will explore the possibility of applying for a grant from Creative NZA, and CCC, for masterclasses for members.

 Changes to the Constitution: Diederic will proceed with formalizing the changes made at the AGM.

Exhibition Venues:
- Tin Palace, at Lyttelton
- Maybe Gallery O at the Arts Centre will become available in the future
- Artbox possibilities, Anita will look into this
- Noeline suggested we take a really good photo of one of our cabinets with contents, and make a full proposal as an artistic endeavour. Solvejg suggested approaching Mottrams when we have a presentation to show.
We will ask Crystal if she can take some photos, and Anita offered to do some close-ups.

Meeting finished at 8.20pm

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