Wednesday 27 June 2012

May/June News Letter

Hi Everybody
Don't forget our AGM next week.

This will be held on Monday 2nd July at SIT, 7pm Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Members need to have their subs paid and up to date to be able to vote.*

*To renew your subs for the year, please contact John Ogilvie by clicking on his name and give him your address, phone number, and email address. You can either pay him by cheque posted to: The Membership Secretary, 520 Coutts Rd, Coutts Island, or by making a direct payment to the Silver Smiths Guild account. You will still need to email your details to John so we have current information and you can receive this lovely newsletter! 
You can phone John on 03 323 6995 too.The cost is still the same as last year - $65.00.

To make a direct payment you must include your name and 'subs' in the boxes provided so Diederic can connect the transaction to the correct person! To Pay online, our account is with the BNZ, 02 0865 0197906 00

*Term Three Night Classes are coming up. 

Please let anybody you think might be interested know, or they make a great gift for someone who has admired your work and wants to give it a go!
Level One: 17th July - 25th September
Level Two: 18th July - 26th September
10 weeks of workshop use with helpful tutors for $240. That's $12 an hour - great value!
Ring Noeline on 322 4131 or 027 293 7026 or email her:

Noeline's Report on the 14th May Meeting
Observations of the meeting held on Monday 14 May
• members want a central location they did not want to have to travel too far – SIT is
too far – although there is a space available at Templeton
• They liked to be able to pop into the workshop at will to either do some work or just
catch up with other members
• Nobody reacted to the mention of a retail activity
• Lease workshop space and less expensive space for storage
• Suggestions from the floor regarding Guild activities included
◦ an in house award exhibition - peer judged – and seek sponsorship for prizes
◦ The Exhibition could be held at
▪ Lincoln Event Centre
▪ Hanmer Springs Gallery
▪ Terrace Downs
▪ Darfield Gallery
▪ Molten Media - weekend
▪ A church hall
• We could sub lease the space on a short term basis to like minded groups
◦ Guild members to run their own special interest course etc
◦ a group of members wanting to focus on a particular technique outside the
monthly workshop subject

I see a couple of opportunities for the Guild which could be easily implemented:
• Introduce a mentoring programme for those who want it. Members who have a
studio set up at home and would be prepared to act as a mentor could be part of a
group that Guild members could contact. Guild members could ring around and
make an arrangement to spend some time with the mentor in their studio to solve
any problems they may have.

Once the Guild has a dedicated space this programme could continue on the same
basis but could be held in the Guild workshop. Mentors would have the ability to
open up the Guild facility and there could be a user pays charge
• After the weekend workshops – particularly the ones which focus on specific skills
which lead to the making of new items – a show and tell session could be held at
the next or future monthly meeting.

Brief Points from Committee Meeting June 14, 2012 SIT

Present:  Arthur Harrison, John Ogilvie, Karen Atherton, Jo Crompton, Diederic Ruarus

Apologies:  Crystal Mathieson, Noeline Walker, Solvejg Ruarus

Minutes: Jo read the minutes and the committee verified them.

Matters arising:

Ads:  Diederic reported that we spent $430 during 2011/12 on ads promoting classes.
AGM:  Reminder that members have paid their subscriptions as of April 1, 2012 in order to vote at the AGM. 
Noeline's report on May 14, 2012 meeting:  Agreed Noeline did a good job reporting the meeting.  Jo will put the report in the newsletter and ask for responses from the membership. 

Membership:  John O reported that we have 24 paid up members.

New space:   Karen requested that we take a vote at the next committee meeting about the next step to move to a permanent space.  Some general discussion about the rules and changes necessary for the group to have retail space.  Agreed that we cannot answer anything now but must have more thought, discussion, legal advice.

Exhibition:   Mottram has no available space for our exhibition.  It might be possible to hire space at the Tannery 2012/13 since a gallery is planned.  

General Business:
Exhibition:  Karen suggested that the Buddhist Temple in Riccarton is beautiful and would make a good exhibition space.  She will request two exhibition times, one week in January 2013 and two weeks in December 2013.  
Display cases:  Karen will ask Noeline to meet to define our requirements, evaluate options available and present a proposal at the next  meeting.
Toolmaking workshop planned for June 16th.  We will invite class members to attend.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.

Once again, if you have any news, things for sale, places to visit, web sites, blogs, or ideas for the newsletter, I would love to hear from you.
Happy creating and see you at the AGM

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