Tuesday 31 July 2012

July - Winter is with us!

My apologies for running behind.
There is plenty going on at the moment, we are still looking for a new home, planning workshops, and generally trying to move forward in this earthquake damaged city of ours. I do hope everyone is doing ok, keeping warm and dry, and making progress with your own houses, work, and families.
There was a token show for the AGM but there were enough of us to be able to hold it and move on into the next year for the SSG. It was a positive meeting with lots to be working on in the months ahead.
We appreciate your support as Guild members and can assure you that we will be delighted to see you all as things become easier for everyone. The night classes are full this term and people are enjoying learning new skills and sharing their journey with the other people in the classes. It is a delight to be part of that!

There has been some concern that people aren't getting these newsletters. If that is so it can be that your email spam control has decided they are spam. You need to go into your spam and mark them as not spam to fix this. If someone you know has had a problem please tell them to check their spam folder.

I intend to explore another way of doing this newsletter, but it is quite nice being able to access the previous newsletters in this blogging form and since you should be expecting a monthly one, I would expect to hear if people aren't getting them! You can visit the same link anytime, it is always 'up'.

Another way to ensure you know when the next newsletter has been published, is to click on the 'followers' button, which means you will be alerted when I publish it, automatically.

August Committee Meeting
7pm at SIT, Monday 6th August
Come along if you would like to participate.

Monthly Workshops
If you are interested in attending our monthly members' workshops, please ring Arthur to enquire. Interest has been minimal over the winter period, so far. If there is something you would like to see taught, please let us know. Arthur's Phone No: 382 1332 
I will send out a separate email about August's topic after our committee meeting on the 6th August.

Remember the Silver Clay Workshop with Susan Brown? Here is some of Arthur's gorgeous work that came out of that. What have you done with yours? Send me an email and I will share what you have made with the rest of us. joannacrompton@gmail.com

Have you been wondering how to get some COLOUR into your jewellery pieces?
Noeline has sent a link about Guilders' Paste www.wonderhowto.com/how-to-use-gilders
Have a look and tell us what you think!

2nd July 2012Summary of Minutes from the Committee Meeting

Solvegj, Dierderic, John O., Noeline, Crystal, Jo, Arthur, Karen, John W.
Minutes taken as read.
Matters Arising
•Glass Bead Workshop
Noeline has been looking into this, sofar not ready to hold the workshop on the 14th,
need to gather materials and techniques.
•Texturising Workshop 14th July
Due to the time it has taken to setup the glass workshop we will run with a texturising
workshop in the meantime.
•Statement Of Finances - Dierderic Ruarus
Grant money has been divided over our savings accounts.
•Discussion On Teachers Fees
2 tutors / 10 week class = $1,500 - irrespective of class numbers.
$75 / per class divided by the number of teachers present.
Proposed to leave as is by Dierderic.
Accepted by all.
•Dierderic’s Discussion For Next AGM
Dierderic would like to discuss an amendment in the AGM, on the advice of our
Class Interest - Noeline
At this time there is x 1 person signed up for Level 1, and 9 confirmed for Level 2
classes and x 11 enquiries to be followed up.
We have advertised in the Coffee News. We will have posters with tear-off contact
numbers. Mainland News will be chased.
Students are requesting specific nights, so combined classes may be necessary.
This is alright with teachers present.
Teachers to hand out Guild membership forms to promising students.
•Membership - John Ogilvie
We have 30 members to date.
Discussion on whether people read their Guild Newsletters online.
John Ogilvie has information from Australia that people do not read info online.
It was suggested to post membership forms to those who have not responded to the
These are for members only, but recently some students have been invited along.
This may become an incentive for students to become Guild members.
Tool Making Workshop
This needs a few more people to be able to run it.
Currently only x 4 people have confirmed interest.
This was discussed as a means of incentivising the Guild Membership program.
Mentoring would be where a Guild Member could take a student or students to their
own workshop, at their home, to work on projects.
When we have a permanent workspace these mentors could become key-holders.
There would be a charge for consumables - tools / heating / saw blades, etc.
This would be for new members.
•Display Cases - Karen & Solvejg
Images of the possible display cases were discussed and pictures shown of
examples. It was proposed that we will purchase one tall cabinet with a member of
the Guild to look at making the Plinth that the glass cabinet would sit on.
This could be a great tool to advertise the Guild, when placed in libraries or classes
for students to see sample work.
Looking at getting 7 or 8 cases when approved. There is the potential to be able to
rent these out to members and other organisations.
The purchase of one initial cabinet proposed by Arthur.
Seconded by Solvegj.
Meeting closed at 7:00pm.

2nd July 2012
Summary of Minutes from the Annual General Meeting
Minutes from the last meeting not located, suspected they are in the storage unit.

Arthur’s Annual Report
Arthur had emailed this to all. Report taken as read.

Financial Report
Report read through by Dierderic. “Financial Accounts 2012”.
Income & Expense / Balance Sheet.
To calculate silver yearly - we will weigh it, and compare with previous year’s weight.
Diederic moved that Financials be accepted.
Seconded by John W.

Nominations Open For Committee
Eddie Byrne took the Chair.
Proposed as read, by Arthur.
Seconded by John W.
Dierderic nominated Arthur as Chairperson.
Seconded by Jo Crompton.
Arthur nominated Karen as Secretary.
Seconded by John W.
Dierderic is happy to stay as the Guild Accountant.
Seconded by John W.
Crystal would still like to be on the committee, but may be away for several meetings
as is involved in a Choir that is touring the hospitals. Rehearsals are on Mondays,
and tour dates will be in the next few months.
Solvegj would like to introduce Megan from Hagley to the Guild. She is interested in
joining and helping with the move and being on the committee.
Solvegj proposed to introduce her.
Seconded by John W.


Changes to the Constitution

•Dierderic wanting to make changes to the Constitution regarding membership - if
they join in later, they don’t owe fees until after April.
This will be brought up at the next AGM, as changes must be brought to the attention
of the members six weeks prior to being voted upon.

•Diederic has talked to a Lawyer over the phone. It was discussed that we need to be
clearer on what “Life Member” entails. Life Member - doesn’t pay fees, they do have
a voting right, and they are a full member.

•When are members to have paid by? - this to be voted on in the next AGM.
Traditionally fees were to be paid by the 1st of April. It was discussed that fees be
due on or before the next AGM.
Diederic proposed to be discussed in next AGM.
Seconded by John W.

•11.0 (a). Making allowance for changes to the constitution to include electronic
transactions. This has been discussed and we agree on the premis. This will need to
be brought up in the next AGM.

•11.0 (c). It was proposed that Auditing be done by two members of the Guild / or
independant of the Guild, with qualifications, instead of paying thousands of dollars to
have an Accountant / Auditor do this work for us.
Nothing was agreed on this issue to be decided at the next AGM.

•9 (b). John Ogilvie brings up the point that this paragraph is gramatically incorrect.
This was generally agreed upon.

New Premises For The Silversmith Guild Workshop

•Karen proposed to continue to look for new premises.
It was discussed that we look for a smaller premises, to the exclusion of gallery/shop
space. 60m2 should be all we need, rather than 100m2 with retail space.

•Diederic will ask The Tannery if they have any smaller areas to rent.

•FYI $1000/month (all inclusive) was the last contract with the Arts Centre.
This was the new premises - not the Connexions Gallery.

•It was proposed to approch a Rental Agent, to enquire on a 60m2 premises.

•There was a place advertised on TradeMe in Opawa, on Port Hills Road, for $450/
month (including outgoings). This will be checked for availability.

•A small group will followup on rental space ; Karen, Diederic, Arthur, Solvegj &
Noeline. “The Tannery Group”.

Repousse Workshop

•Karen enquired about having a special workshop dedicated to Repousse; metal
movement and texturing. Many are interested, this will be confirmed by email.

Thanks to all who attended.

Meeting closed at 8:30pm.

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